This was part of an exciting set of greetings cards that should be out later this year.
Again I’m not at liberty to give any more details but when they hit the shelves I’ll certainly display the full set.
Incidentally, another reason for my lack of recent posts has been my Mac suddenly deciding it needed a new power unit and logic board.
I was prepared to wait over a weekend for the repair but it has been 3 WEEKS now, and I still haven’t received it back.
Consequently I’m now enjoying a shiny new iMac, that fastest Mac on the planet at the moment.
Yes, I love it but I had a deep meaningful bond with my G5 and I want it back!
Please feel free to supersize the images in this blog by double clicking but remember that all are strictly copyright. ©
World Cup Fever has reached Hot Frog too with these three beer labels for local breweries. Don’t forget it will bring us good luck to get stocked up on these ales prior to KO on June 12th.
Wish I was on a royalty per bottle!
Please enlarge the images by double clicking but remember that they are all strictly copyright. ©
As mentioned below I have just completed around 50 Wally Woppapotamus pictures for his first book. Just about all these were in pencil with one or two full colour ‘specials’.
Wally is a great character to work with and I’m hoping he achieves the success he deserves for his creator, Helen Bonney.
Here he is seen being accidentally chosen as a christmas gift by a young girl in line to meet Father christmas.
Another reason for my absence from this blog for a week or two was the absence of my Mac from my desk! but more of that later (or earlier, since this blog lists chronologically)
Please feel free to supersize Wally with a double click but remember he is strictly copyright. ©
I realise that I don’t use this space as a ‘proper’ blog, and just as well since I’ve been suspiciously quiet for over a month now.
Various reasons I suppose, one of them being the intensity of work, that is, the mad panic at the end of a project to get amendments approved by delivery date.
These 3 pieces are a case in point. I illustrated, or artworked, over 50 packs of meds for Elmwood (and this was just the overspill from the ever busy Myles!)
Most of the pack wouldn’t stand up to display in an illustration blog so here’s just a taste of the more artistic few.
I also completed over 50 illustrations for Helen Bonney’s Wally Woppapotamus book, see a single example above.
Please feel free to double click and supersize these images but remember that they are strictly copyright. ©