Regular readers of my blog (sic!) will already know that my abiding passion is children’s picture books. I’ve had a couple of story ideas going around publishers with no luck to date, and, despite me being able to claim that I illustrated 52 picture books last year alone, I still feel unfulfilled in this field. However, I have just finished a short picture book for a writer in the States – Susie Ramsey. Susie approached me with an idea for a board book featuring two frogs who fall in love one moonlit night. As you can imagine dear reader, I was hooked from the start.
During the illustration of those froggy pictures Susie also asked me to squeeze in illustrations for another book project which revolved around revolting dishes, again, it appealed to my tastes, so here are a few details of some of those pictures.
The final title has not yet been resolved.
In my next posting I’m planning to include some of he froggy images so watch this space!
Another totally enjoyable commission, this time from Navy Blue up in Edinburgh.
Tony needed a pack for his new cereal bars which will only be on sale in duty free outlets.
So I can now add his portrait to my list of celebrity characters I’ve worked withh.
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I’m not sure if these little pirates have been anywhere near the Caribbean, but they were certainly fun to illustrate.
The electronic version was particularly wacky though that was probably due to it being a Japanese prototype that I received to photograph! The screaming instructions were hilarious.
Please double click any pic to supersize and remember that these images are strictly copyright. ©.