More games designs produced in collaboration with Round Peg who seem to come up with some excellent concepts which I thoroughly enjoy bringing to fruition. That’s my second reference to fruit so I wouldn’t blame you for thinking that there’s some big fruity themed game coming up next – but there isn’t, so don’t know why I mentioned it really!
The visualiser that Round Peg employ, his name is Andy, is the best I’ve ever worked with. His marker visuals almost leap of the page and make my job of realising the illustration all that much easier.
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At last I can display some of the children’s board games that I was working on towards the end of last year.
This first one was particularly tricky with monkeys cascading inside and outside the translucent plastic tree whilst skewers wizzed in front of, and behind them. Consequently the illustration ran to well over 100 layers in Photoshop.
The artwork for this game was developed from an original concept and design from Tomy’s long-standing packaging
specialists Round Peg based in Leicester.
It’s been a very fruitful partnership as you will see in future posts.
Please click on an image to supersize it but remember that all images are strictly copyright and monitored. ©.